Poems From Becky
Welcome to Poems from Becky, where every poem tells a story and every story warms your heart. I take pride in creating works that capture the relationship between the giver and the receiver of the poems. I love learning more about what makes people tick and exploring all that makes us human – from love to loss, from pain to triumph and everything in between – and through poetry those things can be explored. Here you will find a small taster of the sort of poems I write from the light-hearted, to the reminiscent and the heartfelt.
On your 90th birthday
I first met you Daphne in two thousand and eleven
And remember your cooking tasted like heaven.
Since then, you’ve filled my belly many a time.
With delicious main courses and puddings divine.
I’ve always been struck by your determined nature.
Maybe it is a trait of all people born a Slater.
Air BnB at ninety would be way beyond most.
But not our Daffers you’re a Superhost.
Always quick witted, ready to laugh and sharp as a tac.
When it comes to making friends, you certainly have the knack.
You keep your mind busy with a crossword a day.
It’s what keeps you so quick, some might say.
Your daily walks with Jimi keep you sprightly.
Guests who refuse breakfast don’t get off lightly.
Holidays in Cornwall are always good fun.
My only wish is we could guarantee the sun.
So, on this your 90th birthday as we celebrate you.
I’d like to say thank you for everything you do.
I hope you have a fabulous day.
I’m sending lots of love your way.
Happy Birthday
The things I hope for you
As we lie snuggled up in bed
I sniff your curly sleeping head.
Knowing that today’s the day
Your new adventure is underway.
I think about the past 3 years.
The cuddles, fun, the love, the tears
And my heart is filled with joy.
As I think of what’s in store my boy
So, before you set off on your way.
This is what I have to say.
I hope your heart will always be kind.
And you’ve the strength to pay cruel people no mind.
I hope you always find it in you to laugh.
Even at times when things seem hard.
I hope you find friendships strong and true.
These are some of the things I wish for you.
I hope you get to travel and see the world.
A world full of excitement to be unfurled.
I hope that this first step into independence, is for you….
…the start of a journey where dreams come true.
I want you to know whatever life throws your way.
When things look bleak, or you’ve had a bad day.
When you have had a falling out
When you want to scream and shout
Make sure you always know deep inside.
You fill my heart with love and pride.
And no matter your age or how big you grow.
I hope that you will always know.
That when you want to rest your curly head.
There’s always a snuggle for you in my bed.
40th Birthday
Natasha is turning 40 today
Hip hip hooray is what I say
And in this poem, I am going to review
My 16 years of friendship with you.
It is only fair to let the story begin
With our initial meeting in the class they call spin.
I asked if it would hurt and you couldn’t deny it
But with a mischievous grin you encouraged me to try it.
This painful class where my thighs were left aching
Was the start of a beautiful friendship in the making.
Since those days there have been laughter and tears
We’ve shared our tales of love, our hopes and our fears
The amount of wine we’ve consumed together is scary
Even our discos for two have been known to become lairy
The night we went out and sent ourselves home by ten
And don’t get me started on some of our choices in men
The lunch that lasted until four in the morning.
A night out with you is anything but boring.
Then we got married and each had a baby
This put a temporary pause on our crazy
Until that is the legendary toffee vodka night
You got through it so fast it gave Ross a fright
I could fill a book with our many a caper
But think it’s safest not to put them all on paper
Our friendship has always been full of great fun
But for the sake of our livers thank God you left Brum
So, cheers to you on your special day
It seems that now is an apt time to say
You’re one of a kind, truly unique
With your generous nature and crazy streak
My life wouldn’t be the same without you
In good times and bad we pull each other through.
So happy birthday my wonderful friend
May ours be our friendship that has no end.
Ode to you
It was an interesting year 1982,
But the best thing about it was definitely you.
Forget Prince William, Dallas and E.T
You’re much better, according to me
For many years I never knew you existed
Until I joined Norton’s and then things shifted,
There you were, a friend like no other,
Just like a sister but from another mother
We’ve been through it all, the good and the bad
You’ve heard me laugh & seen me sad
We’ve lay on my floor singing more times than I know,
Let’s face it you can’t beat a bit of Paolo
We’ve enjoyed adventures and a drink or ten
Don’t get me started on our choices in men
I could fill a novel with the times that we’ve had
But nobody wants a record of when they’ve been bad.
Then we got married, had a baby or three
But things don’t change between you and me
Regardless of age, kids, the passing of time
We can always make time for a catch up and wine
Forty years of Gemma Michelle (Reid) Thorn
Let us celebrate the day you were born
So, happy birthday my beautiful friend
May ours be a friendship that has no end